online with you

We started the third edition of "On line with you", a job placement project promoted by Fundación ONCE and co-financed by the European Social Fund

People with mental disorders begin a training action at AMAFE that will allow them to strengthen their employability in sectors with great growth opportunities.

Next April, the Operational Program for Social Inclusion and Social Economy – POISES “One by One” will be launched at AMAFE, co-financed by the European Social Fund and the ONCE Foundation.

Thanks to En Línea Contigo, people with mental disorders will receive the necessary transversal training to carry out work in sectors such as education, tourism, hospitality or care for dependent/elderly people. It is a project aimed at people who, after having experienced a mental health problem and find themselves inactive, want to recover their vocational project as soon as possible through access to a job.

The pedagogical method chosen for the training is the teaching presentation along with participatory interactive techniques, guided discovery and gamification of content.

The participating people receive a total of 170 hours of theoretical training along with 110 hours of practical on-the-job training . In addition, in a complementary way, they will also have individual attention spaces that allow the optimal response to specific needs that may appear during the training action.

Access to employment is a fundamental right and also a key factor in the recovery of people with mental disorders. online with you has, like this fundamental objective, to minimize the biographical rupture and distance from the community that can lead to the onset of a mental disorder.

In Línea Contigo is part of Thematic Objective 9, Investment Priority, 9.1 Specific Objective 9.1.23 related to increasing the hiring of people with disabilities at risk of social exclusion.

At AMAFE we have been working on the labor insertion of the collective for more than ten years and we are extremely excited to continue collaborating with Fundación ONCE for the third consecutive year.

Places are very limited, so if you are interested, do not hesitate to contact AMAFE.


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